suddenly interrupted
You do not need to treat still life photography as a real problem, because you do not understand where to start work. This genre is definitely worth mastering, because it can become a kind of meditation for the photographer.
How to photograph a still life. Simple methods
Still life photography helps the photographer hone professional skills at his own pace, while at the same time, it immediately becomes possible to create works that can later be placed in the portfolio. This article will help you get started creating still life photographs: photographer Charlie Moss shares his experience in shooting them. Continue reading
What is a modern photographer?
We are all photographers today, but with the proliferation of digital photography, her theory is not keeping pace with her practice. In their dialogue, the philosopher Mikhail Kurtov and the artist Yegor Rogalev are looking for a new theory of photography.
Egor Rogalev: Today we are faced with constant difficulties in the photographic description of post-Soviet reality, and indeed reality in general. There is a situation in which the medium and technology in its development and dissemination significantly overtake the possibilities of its own conscious and non-manipulative use. Continue reading
Photography as a form of art
At the time of the birth of photography, aesthetics were dominated by the belief that only man-made work can be art. The image of reality obtained using technical physicochemical methods could not even claim such a status. And although the first photographers, gravitating towards the artistry of the image, showed considerable compositional ingenuity to display reality (sometimes changing it beyond recognition), photography did not fit into the system of social values and priorities as one of the muses for a long time. Continue reading