How photography completely changed art
Both painting and photography are forms of visual art that are designed to create images and visual symbols. The difference in the manufacturing method creates some features. 2Painting is not…

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What is a modern photographer?
We are all photographers today, but with the proliferation of digital photography, her theory is not keeping pace with her practice. In their dialogue, the philosopher Mikhail Kurtov and the…

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"I shot everyone," A. Corbain Anton Corbijn was born in a Dutch province in 1955. His father was a priest of the Protestant church, and his mother was a nurse.…

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I am not a street photographer. I’m just a photographer who sometimes manages to take a good photo on the street

M. Dakovich

Maciej Dakowicz (© Maciej Dakowicz) is a documentary photographer and a master of the truly “street” genre. The Pole, who moved to live in the UK, but did not stay long anywhere, became famous for the provocative and even scandalous series of works by Cardiff after Dark, which he shot in 2009. Photographs published in 2012 as a separate book are an impassive reportage from the streets of English Cardiff, where after sunset young residents of the city have fun in bars and pubs, sometimes completely “losing face”. Alcoholic chronicles of the British fun almost shook the foundations of the Crown and sparked a heated public discussion. In many respects, this is the merit of the author of the pictures – witty, ruthlessly noticing details with his sharp eye, able to build the composition so that the viewer grasps the point at one point. Continue reading


The story of the American photographer Vivien Maier (© Vivian Maier) is an interesting case of fame that came to the photographer only after death. Nobody saw her carefully assembled archive of almost one hundred thousand negatives, it was discovered by chance, and made a real international sensation.

A detailed and distinctive illustration of the life of American society of the 60s and 70s, funny street plots and surprisingly characteristic portraits do not leave anyone indifferent. In terms of professionalism, ability to approach the model and reveal her personality, Meyer is compared with Robert Frank and Lee Friedlander.

Art lasts forever and works outlive their creators who serve only as “guides” between creativity and the viewer. Unfortunately, the name Mayer became known only after her death, and she did not receive the recognition she deserves. Continue reading


“I shot everyone,” A. Corbain

Anton Corbijn was born in a Dutch province in 1955. His father was a priest of the Protestant church, and his mother was a nurse. Anton’s childhood passed in a small village. As a teenager, he becomes interested in photography. Corbain attended concerts and took the first pictures there, which he sold to local publications. Then he did not know what exactly the photos of the musicians would make him famous. The first significant mark in the career of the future photographer can be called a collaboration with the Dutch magazine Oor. Absolute self-taught managed to make interesting and deep shots. The obvious talent of the guy was torn out. In 1979, Arthur left his homeland and moved to London. Continue reading

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Crop and fragment the image
Image cropping is a purely photographic principle, determined by the specific features of the photocomposition, and methods of constructing a photographic space. The device’s lens more or less mechanically “cuts…


What is a modern photographer?
We are all photographers today, but with the proliferation of digital photography, her theory is not keeping pace with her practice. In their dialogue, the philosopher Mikhail Kurtov and the…


TIPS FOR BOUDOIR PHOTOSESSIONS Boudoir photography is a niche in portrait photography, combining the features of portraiture, fashion, art, glamorous and erotic photography. A great way to capture sexy, sensual,…
