I am not a street photographer. I'm just a photographer who sometimes manages to take a good photo on the street M. Dakovich Maciej Dakowicz (© Maciej Dakowicz) is a…

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Photo for memory, Or why it is important to keep old pictures
Surely every family has photo albums with old family photographs that gather dust somewhere in cupboards, on mezzanines. Someone decides to simply throw them away to make way, and someone…

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Aesthetics pictures
One of the very important qualities of photography for the development of modern visual culture was the relative ease of obtaining a more or less benign picture, the simplicity of…

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legal scandals


The story of the American photographer Vivien Maier (© Vivian Maier) is an interesting case of fame that came to the photographer only after death. Nobody saw her carefully assembled archive of almost one hundred thousand negatives, it was discovered by chance, and made a real international sensation.

A detailed and distinctive illustration of the life of American society of the 60s and 70s, funny street plots and surprisingly characteristic portraits do not leave anyone indifferent. In terms of professionalism, ability to approach the model and reveal her personality, Meyer is compared with Robert Frank and Lee Friedlander.

Art lasts forever and works outlive their creators who serve only as “guides” between creativity and the viewer. Unfortunately, the name Mayer became known only after her death, and she did not receive the recognition she deserves. Continue reading

What is a modern photographer?
We are all photographers today, but with the proliferation of digital photography, her theory is not keeping pace with her practice. In their dialogue, the philosopher Mikhail Kurtov and the…


The relationship of painting and photography in contemporary art
Photography has long since become commonplace. But if the documentary was immediately appreciated and accepted “with a bang” from the moment it appeared in 1839, then a heated debate arose…


What is professional photography and who is a professional photographer.
Why the cost of professional photography is higher than amateur. Turning to a professional, you expect to get high-quality and beautiful photos. In order to justify your expectations and embellish…
