At the time of the birth of photography, aesthetics were dominated by the belief that only man-made work can be art. The image of reality obtained using technical methods could…

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Photography and art
The value of photography as a chemical way of accurately capturing any visual objects is truly enormous in modern cultural life. Neither science is infinitely large - astronomy or astrophysics,…

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There is a certain charm in human lips. The movement of the mouth, tongue, and facial micro-facial express an amazing palette of feelings, emotions, tell stories about its owner. We…

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On the importance of photography in the modern world

Photography is a language that speaks at the level of emotions. Moreover, this language is quite strong. Sometimes it causes such excitement in the viewer, such a storm of feelings that in some cases a person begins to cry, in others – loudly and sincerely, laughing heartily … With the language of photography you can tell the story of not only one particular person, but the whole family, the whole kind, and sometimes even the whole of humanity. A photograph shows us the world as it was the second it was taken. And this sealed world remains with us forever.

1. Photographing tells us about the most important thing for us
If you ask someone what exactly of his things he will save in a critical situation, then most likely they will answer you: a photo album or a computer hard drive on which family photos are recorded in digital form. In the event of a panic, a person always clutches at the most expensive thing for him. And most often this is not money, not jewelry, but photographs of loved ones, pictures that contain a piece of the past, a piece of days gone by.

Taking pictures, we document our life. We capture her most important, most significant moments. Weddings and anniversaries, having children, housewarming, holidays in distant cities and countries … All this is of great importance to us. These photos are our story, the story of our family. In these frames, each of us is captured in different years of life. A very young grandmother, even before the war, in a beautiful dress with polka dots – and now she is already in her advanced years: wrinkles, kind eyes …

Hundreds, thousands of frames are added up bit by bit in the life story of each of us.

2. Photography is a piece of human heritage
Surely every person, at least living in the USSR, and then in Russia, for sure, took part in group photographs. For example, at school. Remember: we, still children, were lined up in three or four rows, in the center stood or sat teachers, the school principal … We then posed motionlessly, sometimes we felt constrained. We didn’t even think at that second that when we looked at the camera’s lens, we looked into eternity! But these school photographs will outlive us … After many years, or maybe many decades, somewhere in the attic or in the old closet among the pile of yellowed papers, our children or grandchildren will find these photographs and recognize their ancestors on them. They will see very young their dads and mothers, grandparents. The significance of these photos is very, very great for each of us. After all, they reflected the stopped moment of a past life. No wonder they say: “stop, a moment, you are wonderful!”.

Family photos are pieces of our life …

3. Photos help us communicate
A photographic image is much more significant, much more serious than just a picture. Photography touches the most hidden, the deepest that is in our soul, the best, kindest, most generous aspects of human nature. Photography always makes us want to share with others what we consider important, interesting, and most important.

There are many sites on the Internet where people share their photos. These photos are very diverse: sometimes they are very personal, emotional: passionate, sad … Sometimes they are bizarre and funny, sometimes they display some interesting places, interesting people … With the help of such photos we share with others our impressions of what we are experiencing .

4. In each of us, photography reveals an artist
Photography today has become technically accessible, which gives us a great opportunity for our own expression. Self-expression through art. Many of us, picking up a camera, begin to notice how cute and clean the faces of children are, how wise the eyes of old people are, how beautiful the expanses of nature around us are, how impressive our minds are in the colors of golden autumn … I immediately want to start creating beautiful photographic pictures. At such moments, we begin to feel like creators, artists.

5. Photography is a very complex language
Through photography, its author can express the whole palette of human feelings. Surprise, empathy, joy, sadness, sadness, tenderness … In one frame, a lot of human emotions can be reflected. For example, not everyone will appreciate the landscape that was photographed on a cloudy day. They want to see the surrounding nature joyful, in a riot of many colors, and not gray and sad. But if a landscape does not have bright and saturated colors, this does not mean that life has left it! It’s just that life in this landscape is different: quiet and calm, slowly flowing .. And if you take a picture of a storm, a thunderstorm … This is where you can see the power of nature, its power!

If one of your loved ones suddenly has a sad mood – show him bright and sunny photos! And a person’s mood will immediately noticeably rise!

Photography allows you to express something that sometimes can not be expressed simply in words, when our vocabulary runs low. Photography speaks to us in its own visual language.

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