Photography and art
The value of photography as a chemical way of accurately capturing any visual objects is truly enormous in modern cultural life. Neither science is infinitely large - astronomy or astrophysics,…

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About TFP should be known to everyone who is somehow connected with photography. TFP (Time for Prints) is a form of transaction in the world of photography, where neither side…

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What is conceptual photography?
Here is the first example, a photograph of Jeff Wall, which everyone knows, including because Hokusai is here, plus the familiar Bresson “decisive moment” and the plot-photo story that unfolds…

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y redefining


Many online store owners are worried about how to convey the beauty of sparkling jewelry in photographs. However, shooting jewelry is not as difficult as it might seem. Here is a checklist of simple items that will be useful to complete in order to get good photos.

How to photograph jewelry without a studio. Guide to action

Prepare props and materials

Window and natural light
How to photograph jewelry without a studio. Guide to action

Photographing shiny jewelry using a flash is not a good idea, because jewelry will reflect bright light, create glare and sharp shadows in the background, as the two examples below demonstrate. Continue reading


Anyone who is not too lazy and read the instructions for the camera may not read further. But for those who are too lazy to do this – perhaps there will be a cognitive “explanation on the fingers”.

In any camera, such a thing as an aperture is provided. Jargon photographers also call it a hole or relative hole. The diaphragm is a certain mechanism, which is most often located in the lens and may have the property of narrowing and expanding. what is aperture scale

When this hole narrows, less light enters the camera sensor. Thus, it is possible to adjust – if there is a lot of light, then due to the narrowing of the diaphragm, its amount is reduced, and the frame is exposed normally. The opposite effect is also true – the larger the relative aperture, the more light will fall on the camera’s sensor and, accordingly, can be shot in fairly dark conditions. Continue reading


There is a certain charm in human lips. The movement of the mouth, tongue, and facial micro-facial express an amazing palette of feelings, emotions, tell stories about its owner. We see how a person feels joy, guess when he is sad, disappointed, preoccupied or rejoiced. All this gamut is transmitted through the lips, which can be touching and aggressive, playful and angry.

Photographer from Miami (USA) Jason Bassett decided to approach the process of lip study thoroughly and created a photo project called “Tulips”. At the disposal of the photographer was a Sony Alpha A7 camera, a Sony FE 90 mm f / 2.8 Macro G OSS lens, which Jason rented, an inexpensive on-camera flash and a reflector. Continue reading

Crop and fragment the image
Image cropping is a purely photographic principle, determined by the specific features of the photocomposition, and methods of constructing a photographic space. The device’s lens more or less mechanically “cuts…


ASHER FELLIG'S invaluable contribution to the art of photography, or scandalous Viji
"My name is Viji. I am the greatest photographer in the world ..." Asher Fellig was born at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the town of…


Photography as a form of art
At the time of the birth of photography, aesthetics were dominated by the belief that only man-made work can be art. The image of reality obtained using technical physicochemical methods…
