You do not need to treat still life photography as a real problem, because you do not understand where to start work. This genre is definitely worth mastering, because it can become a kind of meditation for the photographer.
How to photograph a still life. Simple methods
Still life photography helps the photographer hone professional skills at his own pace, while at the same time, it immediately becomes possible to create works that can later be placed in the portfolio. This article will help you get started creating still life photographs: photographer Charlie Moss shares his experience in shooting them. Continue reading
It would seem that it’s so special in photographing people playing chess. However, if you take chess photography seriously, you can see how exciting it is. In order to convey everything that accompanies chess in a static image, you will need a few tips. Get to know them, and then shooting your first tournament will be awesome by default.
Don’t bother the players
Playing chess involves a lot of concentration. As a photographer, you must be careful not to interfere with the process when shooting. Firstly, in order not to distract the players, do not get too close to them. Try to stay at least two meters away if possible. This is enough so that you can shoot high-quality images without interfering. Continue reading
On the importance of photography in the modern world
Photography is a language that speaks at the level of emotions. Moreover, this language is quite strong. Sometimes it causes such excitement in the viewer, such a storm of feelings that in some cases a person begins to cry, in others – loudly and sincerely, laughing heartily … With the language of photography you can tell the story of not only one particular person, but the whole family, the whole kind, and sometimes even the whole of humanity. A photograph shows us the world as it was the second it was taken. And this sealed world remains with us forever.
1. Photographing tells us about the most important thing for us
If you ask someone what exactly of his things he will save in a critical situation, then most likely they will answer you: Continue reading