You do not need to treat still life photography as a real problem, because you do not understand where to start work. This genre is definitely worth mastering, because it…

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There is a huge variety of styles and trends in the visual arts. Often they do not have clearly defined boundaries and smoothly pass from one to another, being in…

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Impressionism as a conscious need
... As with any other profession, the consumer always demanded quality from painting for his money. The thoroughness of the drawing, the elaboration of light and color - all these…

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Photography as a form of art

At the time of the birth of photography, aesthetics were dominated by the belief that only man-made work can be art. The image of reality obtained using technical physicochemical methods could not even claim such a status. And although the first photographers, gravitating towards the artistry of the image, showed considerable compositional ingenuity to display reality (sometimes changing it beyond recognition), photography did not fit into the system of social values ​​and priorities as one of the muses for a long time. Continue reading

Photography and art

The value of photography as a chemical way of accurately capturing any visual objects is truly enormous in modern cultural life. Neither science is infinitely large – astronomy or astrophysics, nor any science infinitely small can do now without this wonderful eye, without photographic records that serve as translators between the still mysterious world of nature for us and our knowledge. In everyday life, photography is intertwined with our experiences, as every photographic card on the desk, every family album speaks of. The amateur photographic apparatus became the companion of a huge number of people, making fresh memories of any journey, of any events of their own life, making each a kind of artist, accustoming to collect interesting objects, interesting points of view and interesting lighting for their photographic perpetuation. Continue reading

Photographic space

The reproduction of space by the artist is analytical. Creating a certain disposition of objects and figures on the plane, he sequentially builds depth, going from one spatial plan to another. The orientation of our eyes in space is based on a clearly fixed consciousness of verticals and horizontals – no tilting of the observer’s head creates a visual sensation similar to the effects of shooting with a camera tilted up or down. In the same way, the gaze directed into the distance tends to “straighten” somewhat, rationalize space. He involuntarily gives objects indefinitely turned to him more distinct positions, leading to the frontal plane of their face or profile. Continue reading

How photography completely changed art
Both painting and photography are forms of visual art that are designed to create images and visual symbols. The difference in the manufacturing method creates some features. 2Painting is not…


ASHER FELLIG'S invaluable contribution to the art of photography, or scandalous Viji
"My name is Viji. I am the greatest photographer in the world ..." Asher Fellig was born at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the town of…


The legendary photographer of the fashion industry was born on November 23, 1944 in the Polish city of Leszno. Soon after the birth of the child, the family moved to…
